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Links exchange
Link from us to you...
If you are operating a site which includes information on, or related to the Double Bass, we would like to include a link from our page. If we don't already have a link to your page please fill in the informations below so we can add your site to our links pages right away. We would love if you would make a reciprocal link to our site but please don't feel obliged.

Your link informations:
The name of how you want your site listed:

Ex. "Benny Goodmans Bass Shop, Colorado"
The main URL:

Ex. "http://www.goodman.com"
Description of your site:

Link from you to us...
You're more than welcome to provide a link from your site to ours. Let us know you're doing it: So we can reciprocate, if you are not already on our links pages

Our link informations:
Web Site Name: Doubletrolley.com
Web Site URL: http://www.doubletrolley.com
Description of our site: Home of the Double Trolley - an adjustable high stool with genuine leather that can be transformed to a carefull trolley for a double bass in under 10 seconds!
GIF's you can use: 8 K
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Since getting my Double Trolley I can get around with my bass much more independently. All my friends think it's really cool and the seat is really comfy too.

Alistair Westwood
National Children's Orchestra of Great Britain (Under 11s)

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